Tools & Techniques of the Medieval Astrologer I


Book One: Prenatal Concerns and the Calculation of the Length of Life.

For twenty years Tools and Techniques has been a leading text for the Predictive astrologer. Now extensively revised, enlarged and released as a trilogy, this work is highly recommended to those who wish to learn and practice astrological prediction.

Tools and Techniques teaches the actual techniques used by medieval astrologers when Western astrology was at its height, over 700 years ago. This is a practical how-to text, based on Latin translations, with metaphysical and historical material, which help elucidate obscure and difficult facets of the art of Western Predictive astrology.

The Tools and Techniques trilogy are highly recommended to those who wish to grasp the practical application of Western predictive techniques and who wish to explore the metaphysical principles upon which they are founded. They are considered essential reading for the student of Western Predictive Astrology and are standard texts for those completing both the Foundation Course in Medieval Astrology and the more advanced Diploma Course in Medieval Astrology. They include methods and techniques not found elsewhere and incorporates new research and insights that supersede earlier (pre-2002) editions of the single volume work of the same name.

The first section of Book One begins with an investigation of the prenatal factors that an astrologer should consider for the successful birth of a child. It discusses the remarkable technique known as the Trutine of Hermes, which is attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (and forms the 51st aphorism of "Ptolemy's" Centiloquim). Essentially, this technique is used for finding the best time for conceiving a child, though in the hands of an experienced predictive astrologer may be used for rectification.

There then follows a translation of the insights of Andalo di Negro of Genoa, who discusses thetrutine technique. This rare translation is from a 12th century manuscript found in the Vatican and may be compared with the observations of Guido Bonatti (13th century), which are also included in the book.

The second section of this book covers in great detail the complex and important matter of longevity. Attention is focused on the four differentiae or categories of birth, which must be understood in order to know if an infant will survive and reach adulthood.

The third section of the book gives instruction on how to find the Hyleg and the Alcocoden (by which the length of life is known).

It should be emphasised that unlike many other works concerning matters of birth, life and death this is not a book of theory. Modern examples are given with full charts, tables and instruction. Determining the length of life is an important consideration for the predictive astrologer not least because there is no point in making predictions for a time when the native may be dead.

You may find other books from the Tools & Techniques series of interest:

Tools & Techniques of the Medieval Astrologer I
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Customer Reviews

5 star

This is an essential text for predictive astrologers. I have re-read it copious times and each time I learn something knew. Very well written.

5 star

The one thing I learnt from this book was that there is no point in spending an age polishing up your horoscope as best you can, making all sorts of wonderful predictions about the career and life of the person its for. Only to find that they die before anything you have predicted happens. Longevity or at least the times of threat to life are vital to understand FIRST. And this is what is taught in this work. On this basis I highly recommend it.

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